Reach Out and Read (ROAR) at Gothenburg Health

Reach Out and Read (ROAR) at Gothenburg Health

Reach Out and Read (ROAR) at Gothenburg Health

Dr. Kayla Knauss reads "Mighty Mighty Construction Site" to Adam Jobman as part of the Reach Out and Read Program.

Gothenburg, Nebraska- Reach Out and Read integrates reading aloud into pediatric care, providing books and coaching that help every family make reading a part of their daily routine. Clinicians at Gothenburg Health have decided to introduce this important evidence-based model into regular pediatric checkups, by advising parents about the importance of reading aloud and giving developmentally appropriate books to children during well-child visits.

“For the past 30 years, the Reach Out and Read model has fostered parent engagement, literacy, and social and emotional development for millions of children and families nationwide,” said Brian Gallagher, CEO of Reach Out and Read.  “We are pleased to offer the program to the children and families at Gothenburg Health.”

The Reach Out and Read program begins at the 2-month well-child visit and continues through age 5, with a special emphasis on children growing up in low-income communities. Families served by Reach Out and Read read together more often, and their children enter school with larger vocabularies and stronger language skills, better prepared to achieve their potential.

“Gothenburg Health is thrilled to join the Reach Out and Read program,” said Alisa Crown, Director of Population Health Programs at Gothenburg Health. “We’re excited to better equip our families with hands-on help and resources to enjoy the immense benefits of early reading in the home.”

For more information about Reach Out and Read at your site or if you would like to donate funds or volunteer as a reader, please contact Becky Jobman,

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